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Need Win 8 touch netbook list, available now or very soon 2013

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Need Win 8 touch netbook list, available now or very soon 2013 Empty Need Win 8 touch netbook list, available now or very soon 2013

Message par The ROoT Lun 31 Déc - 23:30

I'm looking for my dad, he was interested in the Kindle Fire (he does read a lot), but for $300 and all it can do is read books...I know there is a kindle for PC program that should allow him to read all the same things as the kindle fire, on Windows 8. I was originally thinking of x86 tablets (still looking into those), and the transformable units with keyboard/dock were very interesting, just expensive ($750+). While looking around I ran into this small touchscreen netbook, while it can't detach like a tablet its well under $600 with a faster processor and the keyboard is included (crappy 5.4k HDD though). He has a 3GHz C2D system for a small business he runs, having a mobile copy of his outlook email account would be awesome. He has back problems as well, so being able to lay down and still get some work done would be a big bonus over a kindle or other ARM device.

I'm not sure how big the list is for small touch laptops, but if its fairly small I'd like to see all the options so I can compare/research them. I'd be especially interested in any units that may be able to flip into a tablet like mode. So does anybody have a good (or complete) list of whats out there now or coming up very soon? Thanks in advance!</div>
The ROoT
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