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i7-3770k or i7-3820? 2013

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i7-3770k or i7-3820? 2013 Empty i7-3770k or i7-3820? 2013

Message par The ROoT Mar 1 Jan - 15:01

So here's the story. I need the computer for two very different things: music production (I use Sonar for my DAW) and gaming. The way I see it, this points to a good processor for the music work and a good graphics card for the gaming. My budget's in the 1200-1500 range. So that pretty much rules out the 6-core intel X79 offerings. And I honestly don't know if there's any real difference between the 3770k and 3820.

The only overclocking that I would consider is a simple, mild OC through OC genie (on MSI) or something similar.. but I keep my computers for a long time. So I don't want to do anything to shorten the CPU's life.

I also don't have a good perspective on what speed of memory to get. If I go 1600 MHz DDR3, will that be a bottleneck? 1800 and 2133 is not much more... but if that's not where the bottleneck is, then there's no real reason to do it. Can anyone shed some light on this?

The GPU is an easier choice... I'm looking at the 660Ti right now. I don't know what's on the horizon in 2013, though. From what I understand, the new GPUs will probably be like the 690 - expensive.. only later followed by the pared down versions for people with normal budgets.

Anyway, I've been looking at this stuff for a while and I'm ready to buy... but I just don't know enough about the details to choose between the 3770k and 3820. Can anyone help me out?

The ROoT
The ROoT
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