Environment Systems - Time-Of-Day and Weather for your server 2013
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Environment Systems - Time-Of-Day and Weather for your server 2013
2013 2013 2013
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Time of Day
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Rain (Easier to see it in the video, couldn't seem to get a good screenshot)
Convars and commands
weather_force [Weather] Set a specific weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only. Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_rand Randomise the weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only.
weather_systemtime [0/1] Use the server's system time as the current time of day. Default "1".
weather_daylength [1+] Set the length of a day in minutes. Ignored unless weather_systemtime is 0. Default "60".
weather_random [0/1] Use the random weather system. Default "1".
weather_default [Weather] Set a default weather. Ignored unless weather_random is 0. Default "sun". Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_volume [0-1] Set the volume of weather sound loops. Default "0.5".
weather_hud_effects [0/1] Enable the hud effects for weathers which use them. Default "1". (Personally, I think disabling this ruins the effect a little)
weather_performance_mode [0-2] Enable "Performance Mode". For players having FPS issues. Default "0". Maximum "2".
GitHub: This is my first time using GitHub, so I have no idea if I've done this right: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Steam Workshop: Coming soon
Can I disable weather and just use the time of day system?
Yes, if you set weather_random to 0 server-side, the weather will always default to "sun" unless changed manually by an administrator.
Can I disable the time of day system and just use the weather system?
Currently, no, this is not possible.
I have some indoor/underground maps, is it possible to disable this addon for these specific maps?
Yes, of course! There is a lua file named sh_weather_blacklist.lua, all the information you need should be in there. If a map does not have an entry in this file, it will always have both time of day and weather.
I want to remove a default weather, how would I do this?
All default weathers are created in autorun/sh_weather.lua. If you want to remove a weather, find the appropriate line here and delete it.
What are all the default weathers?
All default weathers are lower case. The default weathers are "sun", "snow", "rain", "storm", and "fog".
I want to add a new weather, how would I do this? (Lua coders only!)
All weathers are stored in a global table named "Weather.Effects". The key should be the name of the weather, and this will be used when an administrator wants to force your weather. All values are optional, the "sun" weather uses all nil. The variables available by default are as follows:
Clouds = "Material Path" A .vtf file to use as the cloud material.
CSize = 1 The scale of the cloud texture.
Sound = "Sound Path" A .wav file to be looped while the weather is active. Mp3 files may cause issues.
RandomEffect= function() end A function to run server-side periodically. This is used to flash the sky for "storm" lightning.
RandomClientEffect= function() end A function to run client-side periodically. This is used to play "storm" thunder sounds.
HUD = "Material Path" A .vmt file to use for HUD effects. This is used during "rain" to display water droplets on the hud.
particle = "Particle" A particle system to use for the weather effects.
StartFunc = function() end A function to call whenever the weather starts. Used on both client and server. Used to create fog during the "fog" weather.
EndFunc= function() end A function to call whenever the weather ends. Used on both client and server. Used to remove fog after the "fog" weather.
LightMod = 0 Modify the light level by this amount during this weather. Note that there is a cap on the minimum light level, to prevent the map going pitch black.
Example entry:
Weather.Effects["fire_rain"] = {LightMod = 2, Sound = "ambient/fire/fire_small_loop1.wav", particle = "SomeFireParticles", Damage = 1,
StartFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Create("FireWeatherDamage", 0.2, 0, function() for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:TakeDamage( self.Damage, v, v ) end) end end,
EndFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Remove( "FireWeatherDamage" ) end end}
Are the convars persistent?
Should be. I'm not sure if the client convars will stick if you change to another server running the addon, but if you rejoin the same one it should stay the same. For server side convars, they are persistent, but you should be probably be using server.cfg anyway.
Will the weather stay the same across map changes?
No, the weather will be randomised every map. Unless you have random weather disabled, in which case it will revert back to your set default.
Can I modify/redistribute/sell all or part of this addon?
Yes, but it would be bad manners to claim you created it all yourself
Will you add X?
That depends, is it useful for everyone or just something you want for yourself or your server?
How do I make something happen at a certain time? (Lua coders only!) (Thanks to thelastpengiun for the suggestion)
There are hooks available for every minute change or every hour change, depending on how frequently you want to run your function. The hook "TimeOfDayMinute" will run every time there is a minute update, and is passed two number arguments for the current hour and minute. The hook "TimeOfDayHour" will run every time there is an hour update, and is passed a number argument for the new hour. Both of these hooks are server-side.
Example usage:
hook.Add( "TimeOfDayMinute", "Game Clock", function( h, m )
local h,m = tostring(h), tostring(m)
if #h==1 then h="0"..h end
if #m==1 then m="0"..m end
BroadcastLua( [[chat.AddText( "The time is now ]]..h..[[:]]..m..[[" )]] )
end)hook.Add( "TimeOfDayHour", "Check Night", function( h )
if h20 then --It's night
AllowZombieSpawn = true
This addon doesn't seem to work! (Thanks to BloodRayne for noting this)
It has been reported that your map will need a 3D skybox to work correctly. I've not tested it yet, so I don't know exactly what will break, but I assume the weather will still be mostly functional.
Those clouds are ugly!
Not really a question, but yes, they are. Can you make better, working, tileable clouds in .vtf format? If so, would you share? ^^
Where is the download link?
Scroll up, you missed it.</div>
2013 2013 2013 security programming design programs game system software hardware scripting dynamic programming designs disney college program design star proxy list ecommerce Amelia Islands Amsterdam Antique Chairs Apartment for Rent Aquarium Asthma Astronomy Athletes Foot Baby Boomers Background Check Ballroom Dancing Bankruptcy Barbecues BBQs Bean Bags Bipolar Bird Houses Bird Watching Blinds Body Building Body Detox Bonsai Bowling Breast Augmentation Bronchitis Budgeting Bullying Business Mentoring Calcium Calibration Candle Making candles Careers Carpets cats Cheffing Childrens Parties Chinese Tea Christmas Decorations Comic Books Computer Training Copyright Credit Repair Criminal Records cuff links Dating Day Outings Designer Footwear Direct Mail Marketing Domain Names Drug Addiction ecommerce Educational Toys Elderly Care Electrician Essential Oils Estrogen European Travel Family Fishing Fitness Articles Fly Fishing Forums Fruit Trees Genealogy Gift Ideas Goal Setting Golf Green Decking And Patios hail loss Harley Davidson Hiking Hiking and Camping
Got questions? Check the FAQ before posting, you may already have an answer!
Time of Day
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Your browser doesn't support HTML 5 videos!
Rain (Easier to see it in the video, couldn't seem to get a good screenshot)
Convars and commands
weather_force [Weather] Set a specific weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only. Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_rand Randomise the weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only.
weather_systemtime [0/1] Use the server's system time as the current time of day. Default "1".
weather_daylength [1+] Set the length of a day in minutes. Ignored unless weather_systemtime is 0. Default "60".
weather_random [0/1] Use the random weather system. Default "1".
weather_default [Weather] Set a default weather. Ignored unless weather_random is 0. Default "sun". Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_volume [0-1] Set the volume of weather sound loops. Default "0.5".
weather_hud_effects [0/1] Enable the hud effects for weathers which use them. Default "1". (Personally, I think disabling this ruins the effect a little)
weather_performance_mode [0-2] Enable "Performance Mode". For players having FPS issues. Default "0". Maximum "2".
GitHub: This is my first time using GitHub, so I have no idea if I've done this right: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Steam Workshop: Coming soon
Can I disable weather and just use the time of day system?
Yes, if you set weather_random to 0 server-side, the weather will always default to "sun" unless changed manually by an administrator.
Can I disable the time of day system and just use the weather system?
Currently, no, this is not possible.
I have some indoor/underground maps, is it possible to disable this addon for these specific maps?
Yes, of course! There is a lua file named sh_weather_blacklist.lua, all the information you need should be in there. If a map does not have an entry in this file, it will always have both time of day and weather.
I want to remove a default weather, how would I do this?
All default weathers are created in autorun/sh_weather.lua. If you want to remove a weather, find the appropriate line here and delete it.
What are all the default weathers?
All default weathers are lower case. The default weathers are "sun", "snow", "rain", "storm", and "fog".
I want to add a new weather, how would I do this? (Lua coders only!)
All weathers are stored in a global table named "Weather.Effects". The key should be the name of the weather, and this will be used when an administrator wants to force your weather. All values are optional, the "sun" weather uses all nil. The variables available by default are as follows:
Clouds = "Material Path" A .vtf file to use as the cloud material.
CSize = 1 The scale of the cloud texture.
Sound = "Sound Path" A .wav file to be looped while the weather is active. Mp3 files may cause issues.
RandomEffect= function() end A function to run server-side periodically. This is used to flash the sky for "storm" lightning.
RandomClientEffect= function() end A function to run client-side periodically. This is used to play "storm" thunder sounds.
HUD = "Material Path" A .vmt file to use for HUD effects. This is used during "rain" to display water droplets on the hud.
particle = "Particle" A particle system to use for the weather effects.
StartFunc = function() end A function to call whenever the weather starts. Used on both client and server. Used to create fog during the "fog" weather.
EndFunc= function() end A function to call whenever the weather ends. Used on both client and server. Used to remove fog after the "fog" weather.
LightMod = 0 Modify the light level by this amount during this weather. Note that there is a cap on the minimum light level, to prevent the map going pitch black.
Example entry:
Weather.Effects["fire_rain"] = {LightMod = 2, Sound = "ambient/fire/fire_small_loop1.wav", particle = "SomeFireParticles", Damage = 1,
StartFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Create("FireWeatherDamage", 0.2, 0, function() for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:TakeDamage( self.Damage, v, v ) end) end end,
EndFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Remove( "FireWeatherDamage" ) end end}
Are the convars persistent?
Should be. I'm not sure if the client convars will stick if you change to another server running the addon, but if you rejoin the same one it should stay the same. For server side convars, they are persistent, but you should be probably be using server.cfg anyway.
Will the weather stay the same across map changes?
No, the weather will be randomised every map. Unless you have random weather disabled, in which case it will revert back to your set default.
Can I modify/redistribute/sell all or part of this addon?
Yes, but it would be bad manners to claim you created it all yourself
Will you add X?
That depends, is it useful for everyone or just something you want for yourself or your server?
How do I make something happen at a certain time? (Lua coders only!) (Thanks to thelastpengiun for the suggestion)
There are hooks available for every minute change or every hour change, depending on how frequently you want to run your function. The hook "TimeOfDayMinute" will run every time there is a minute update, and is passed two number arguments for the current hour and minute. The hook "TimeOfDayHour" will run every time there is an hour update, and is passed a number argument for the new hour. Both of these hooks are server-side.
Example usage:
hook.Add( "TimeOfDayMinute", "Game Clock", function( h, m )
local h,m = tostring(h), tostring(m)
if #h==1 then h="0"..h end
if #m==1 then m="0"..m end
BroadcastLua( [[chat.AddText( "The time is now ]]..h..[[:]]..m..[[" )]] )
end)hook.Add( "TimeOfDayHour", "Check Night", function( h )
if h20 then --It's night
AllowZombieSpawn = true
This addon doesn't seem to work! (Thanks to BloodRayne for noting this)
It has been reported that your map will need a 3D skybox to work correctly. I've not tested it yet, so I don't know exactly what will break, but I assume the weather will still be mostly functional.
Those clouds are ugly!
Not really a question, but yes, they are. Can you make better, working, tileable clouds in .vtf format? If so, would you share? ^^
Where is the download link?
Scroll up, you missed it.</div>
Home Automation Home Business Home Schooling Homeopathy Honeymoon Hydroponic Garden Identity Theft Jazz Job Hunting Preparation Joint Venture Landscape Design Latin Dance Law School Lawn Care Lean Manufacturing license Local Recreation Locksmith Marriage Meditation Metal Detector Mexico Mortgages Motor Homes Moving Mutual Funds Natural Insecticides Natural Insectiside Nursing Assistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Online Dating Origami Outdoor Swing Outsourcing Paintball Penny stocks Pet Grooming Pet Insurance Pet Parrots Pets Photography Physiotherapy Potty Training Power Tools Private Investigation Prom Hairstyles Prototyping Public Domain Rawfood Diet Recycling Resume Safari Vacations Salad and Dressing Ideas Scholarship Scuba Diving Self Improvement Setting Goals Single Parenting Skiing Skiing Locations Skin Care small business Snowmobiles social networking Spectrum Analysers Spiders Sports Apparel Sports Nutrition Spring Makeup Stained Glass Stress Student Loan Bad Credit Summer Animal Care Summer Fashion Trends Summer Fitness Summer Heat Summer Jobs Summer Savings Summer Travel Summer Vacations Supercross Surround Sound Sweeteners Swimming Pool Ownership Taekwondo Tattoo Technology And Gadgets Termites Time Management Timeshare Toy Trains Trademarks Trading Triathlon Trophies Vacuum Cleaners Vegetarian Vitamins and Supplements Wedding Etiquette Wedding Themes Wheelchair Lifts Wild Flowers Windsor Pilates Working Dogs2013 2013 2013
Got questions? Check the FAQ before posting, you may already have an answer!
Time of Day
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Your browser doesn't support HTML 5 videos!
Rain (Easier to see it in the video, couldn't seem to get a good screenshot)
Convars and commands
weather_force [Weather] Set a specific weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only. Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_rand Randomise the weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only.
weather_systemtime [0/1] Use the server's system time as the current time of day. Default "1".
weather_daylength [1+] Set the length of a day in minutes. Ignored unless weather_systemtime is 0. Default "60".
weather_random [0/1] Use the random weather system. Default "1".
weather_default [Weather] Set a default weather. Ignored unless weather_random is 0. Default "sun". Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_volume [0-1] Set the volume of weather sound loops. Default "0.5".
weather_hud_effects [0/1] Enable the hud effects for weathers which use them. Default "1". (Personally, I think disabling this ruins the effect a little)
weather_performance_mode [0-2] Enable "Performance Mode". For players having FPS issues. Default "0". Maximum "2".
GitHub: This is my first time using GitHub, so I have no idea if I've done this right: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Steam Workshop: Coming soon
Can I disable weather and just use the time of day system?
Yes, if you set weather_random to 0 server-side, the weather will always default to "sun" unless changed manually by an administrator.
Can I disable the time of day system and just use the weather system?
Currently, no, this is not possible.
I have some indoor/underground maps, is it possible to disable this addon for these specific maps?
Yes, of course! There is a lua file named sh_weather_blacklist.lua, all the information you need should be in there. If a map does not have an entry in this file, it will always have both time of day and weather.
I want to remove a default weather, how would I do this?
All default weathers are created in autorun/sh_weather.lua. If you want to remove a weather, find the appropriate line here and delete it.
What are all the default weathers?
All default weathers are lower case. The default weathers are "sun", "snow", "rain", "storm", and "fog".
I want to add a new weather, how would I do this? (Lua coders only!)
All weathers are stored in a global table named "Weather.Effects". The key should be the name of the weather, and this will be used when an administrator wants to force your weather. All values are optional, the "sun" weather uses all nil. The variables available by default are as follows:
Clouds = "Material Path" A .vtf file to use as the cloud material.
CSize = 1 The scale of the cloud texture.
Sound = "Sound Path" A .wav file to be looped while the weather is active. Mp3 files may cause issues.
RandomEffect= function() end A function to run server-side periodically. This is used to flash the sky for "storm" lightning.
RandomClientEffect= function() end A function to run client-side periodically. This is used to play "storm" thunder sounds.
HUD = "Material Path" A .vmt file to use for HUD effects. This is used during "rain" to display water droplets on the hud.
particle = "Particle" A particle system to use for the weather effects.
StartFunc = function() end A function to call whenever the weather starts. Used on both client and server. Used to create fog during the "fog" weather.
EndFunc= function() end A function to call whenever the weather ends. Used on both client and server. Used to remove fog after the "fog" weather.
LightMod = 0 Modify the light level by this amount during this weather. Note that there is a cap on the minimum light level, to prevent the map going pitch black.
Example entry:
Weather.Effects["fire_rain"] = {LightMod = 2, Sound = "ambient/fire/fire_small_loop1.wav", particle = "SomeFireParticles", Damage = 1,
StartFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Create("FireWeatherDamage", 0.2, 0, function() for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:TakeDamage( self.Damage, v, v ) end) end end,
EndFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Remove( "FireWeatherDamage" ) end end}
Are the convars persistent?
Should be. I'm not sure if the client convars will stick if you change to another server running the addon, but if you rejoin the same one it should stay the same. For server side convars, they are persistent, but you should be probably be using server.cfg anyway.
Will the weather stay the same across map changes?
No, the weather will be randomised every map. Unless you have random weather disabled, in which case it will revert back to your set default.
Can I modify/redistribute/sell all or part of this addon?
Yes, but it would be bad manners to claim you created it all yourself
Will you add X?
That depends, is it useful for everyone or just something you want for yourself or your server?
How do I make something happen at a certain time? (Lua coders only!) (Thanks to thelastpengiun for the suggestion)
There are hooks available for every minute change or every hour change, depending on how frequently you want to run your function. The hook "TimeOfDayMinute" will run every time there is a minute update, and is passed two number arguments for the current hour and minute. The hook "TimeOfDayHour" will run every time there is an hour update, and is passed a number argument for the new hour. Both of these hooks are server-side.
Example usage:
hook.Add( "TimeOfDayMinute", "Game Clock", function( h, m )
local h,m = tostring(h), tostring(m)
if #h==1 then h="0"..h end
if #m==1 then m="0"..m end
BroadcastLua( [[chat.AddText( "The time is now ]]..h..[[:]]..m..[[" )]] )
end)hook.Add( "TimeOfDayHour", "Check Night", function( h )
if h20 then --It's night
AllowZombieSpawn = true
This addon doesn't seem to work! (Thanks to BloodRayne for noting this)
It has been reported that your map will need a 3D skybox to work correctly. I've not tested it yet, so I don't know exactly what will break, but I assume the weather will still be mostly functional.
Those clouds are ugly!
Not really a question, but yes, they are. Can you make better, working, tileable clouds in .vtf format? If so, would you share? ^^
Where is the download link?
Scroll up, you missed it.</div>
2013 2013 2013 security programming design programs game system software hardware scripting dynamic programming designs disney college program design star proxy list ecommerce Amelia Islands Amsterdam Antique Chairs Apartment for Rent Aquarium Asthma Astronomy Athletes Foot Baby Boomers Background Check Ballroom Dancing Bankruptcy Barbecues BBQs Bean Bags Bipolar Bird Houses Bird Watching Blinds Body Building Body Detox Bonsai Bowling Breast Augmentation Bronchitis Budgeting Bullying Business Mentoring Calcium Calibration Candle Making candles Careers Carpets cats Cheffing Childrens Parties Chinese Tea Christmas Decorations Comic Books Computer Training Copyright Credit Repair Criminal Records cuff links Dating Day Outings Designer Footwear Direct Mail Marketing Domain Names Drug Addiction ecommerce Educational Toys Elderly Care Electrician Essential Oils Estrogen European Travel Family Fishing Fitness Articles Fly Fishing Forums Fruit Trees Genealogy Gift Ideas Goal Setting Golf Green Decking And Patios hail loss Harley Davidson Hiking Hiking and Camping
Got questions? Check the FAQ before posting, you may already have an answer!
Time of Day
Your browser doesn't support HTML 5 videos!
Your browser doesn't support HTML 5 videos!
Rain (Easier to see it in the video, couldn't seem to get a good screenshot)
Convars and commands
weather_force [Weather] Set a specific weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only. Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_rand Randomise the weather. Rcon or SuperAdmin only.
weather_systemtime [0/1] Use the server's system time as the current time of day. Default "1".
weather_daylength [1+] Set the length of a day in minutes. Ignored unless weather_systemtime is 0. Default "60".
weather_random [0/1] Use the random weather system. Default "1".
weather_default [Weather] Set a default weather. Ignored unless weather_random is 0. Default "sun". Default weathers are all lower case.
weather_volume [0-1] Set the volume of weather sound loops. Default "0.5".
weather_hud_effects [0/1] Enable the hud effects for weathers which use them. Default "1". (Personally, I think disabling this ruins the effect a little)
weather_performance_mode [0-2] Enable "Performance Mode". For players having FPS issues. Default "0". Maximum "2".
GitHub: This is my first time using GitHub, so I have no idea if I've done this right: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Steam Workshop: Coming soon
Can I disable weather and just use the time of day system?
Yes, if you set weather_random to 0 server-side, the weather will always default to "sun" unless changed manually by an administrator.
Can I disable the time of day system and just use the weather system?
Currently, no, this is not possible.
I have some indoor/underground maps, is it possible to disable this addon for these specific maps?
Yes, of course! There is a lua file named sh_weather_blacklist.lua, all the information you need should be in there. If a map does not have an entry in this file, it will always have both time of day and weather.
I want to remove a default weather, how would I do this?
All default weathers are created in autorun/sh_weather.lua. If you want to remove a weather, find the appropriate line here and delete it.
What are all the default weathers?
All default weathers are lower case. The default weathers are "sun", "snow", "rain", "storm", and "fog".
I want to add a new weather, how would I do this? (Lua coders only!)
All weathers are stored in a global table named "Weather.Effects". The key should be the name of the weather, and this will be used when an administrator wants to force your weather. All values are optional, the "sun" weather uses all nil. The variables available by default are as follows:
Clouds = "Material Path" A .vtf file to use as the cloud material.
CSize = 1 The scale of the cloud texture.
Sound = "Sound Path" A .wav file to be looped while the weather is active. Mp3 files may cause issues.
RandomEffect= function() end A function to run server-side periodically. This is used to flash the sky for "storm" lightning.
RandomClientEffect= function() end A function to run client-side periodically. This is used to play "storm" thunder sounds.
HUD = "Material Path" A .vmt file to use for HUD effects. This is used during "rain" to display water droplets on the hud.
particle = "Particle" A particle system to use for the weather effects.
StartFunc = function() end A function to call whenever the weather starts. Used on both client and server. Used to create fog during the "fog" weather.
EndFunc= function() end A function to call whenever the weather ends. Used on both client and server. Used to remove fog after the "fog" weather.
LightMod = 0 Modify the light level by this amount during this weather. Note that there is a cap on the minimum light level, to prevent the map going pitch black.
Example entry:
Weather.Effects["fire_rain"] = {LightMod = 2, Sound = "ambient/fire/fire_small_loop1.wav", particle = "SomeFireParticles", Damage = 1,
StartFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Create("FireWeatherDamage", 0.2, 0, function() for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:TakeDamage( self.Damage, v, v ) end) end end,
EndFunc = function( self ) if SERVER then timer.Remove( "FireWeatherDamage" ) end end}
Are the convars persistent?
Should be. I'm not sure if the client convars will stick if you change to another server running the addon, but if you rejoin the same one it should stay the same. For server side convars, they are persistent, but you should be probably be using server.cfg anyway.
Will the weather stay the same across map changes?
No, the weather will be randomised every map. Unless you have random weather disabled, in which case it will revert back to your set default.
Can I modify/redistribute/sell all or part of this addon?
Yes, but it would be bad manners to claim you created it all yourself
Will you add X?
That depends, is it useful for everyone or just something you want for yourself or your server?
How do I make something happen at a certain time? (Lua coders only!) (Thanks to thelastpengiun for the suggestion)
There are hooks available for every minute change or every hour change, depending on how frequently you want to run your function. The hook "TimeOfDayMinute" will run every time there is a minute update, and is passed two number arguments for the current hour and minute. The hook "TimeOfDayHour" will run every time there is an hour update, and is passed a number argument for the new hour. Both of these hooks are server-side.
Example usage:
hook.Add( "TimeOfDayMinute", "Game Clock", function( h, m )
local h,m = tostring(h), tostring(m)
if #h==1 then h="0"..h end
if #m==1 then m="0"..m end
BroadcastLua( [[chat.AddText( "The time is now ]]..h..[[:]]..m..[[" )]] )
end)hook.Add( "TimeOfDayHour", "Check Night", function( h )
if h20 then --It's night
AllowZombieSpawn = true
This addon doesn't seem to work! (Thanks to BloodRayne for noting this)
It has been reported that your map will need a 3D skybox to work correctly. I've not tested it yet, so I don't know exactly what will break, but I assume the weather will still be mostly functional.
Those clouds are ugly!
Not really a question, but yes, they are. Can you make better, working, tileable clouds in .vtf format? If so, would you share? ^^
Where is the download link?
Scroll up, you missed it.</div>
Home Automation Home Business Home Schooling Homeopathy Honeymoon Hydroponic Garden Identity Theft Jazz Job Hunting Preparation Joint Venture Landscape Design Latin Dance Law School Lawn Care Lean Manufacturing license Local Recreation Locksmith Marriage Meditation Metal Detector Mexico Mortgages Motor Homes Moving Mutual Funds Natural Insecticides Natural Insectiside Nursing Assistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Online Dating Origami Outdoor Swing Outsourcing Paintball Penny stocks Pet Grooming Pet Insurance Pet Parrots Pets Photography Physiotherapy Potty Training Power Tools Private Investigation Prom Hairstyles Prototyping Public Domain Rawfood Diet Recycling Resume Safari Vacations Salad and Dressing Ideas Scholarship Scuba Diving Self Improvement Setting Goals Single Parenting Skiing Skiing Locations Skin Care small business Snowmobiles social networking Spectrum Analysers Spiders Sports Apparel Sports Nutrition Spring Makeup Stained Glass Stress Student Loan Bad Credit Summer Animal Care Summer Fashion Trends Summer Fitness Summer Heat Summer Jobs Summer Savings Summer Travel Summer Vacations Supercross Surround Sound Sweeteners Swimming Pool Ownership Taekwondo Tattoo Technology And Gadgets Termites Time Management Timeshare Toy Trains Trademarks Trading Triathlon Trophies Vacuum Cleaners Vegetarian Vitamins and Supplements Wedding Etiquette Wedding Themes Wheelchair Lifts Wild Flowers Windsor Pilates Working Dogs2013 2013 2013
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» C is there a function like sizeof that can be used at run time not compile time? 2013
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